Vindolanda Tablets Online Tablets Exhibition Reference Help

Searching the Website

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Searching the website

Information is available elsewhere in ‘Help’ for searching and browsing the database. This section describes how to search the text of the rest of the site and how to search for images within the site.

Searching the website text (excluding the tablets database)

Use the box labeled 'Text:' in the 'General Search' form to search all areas of the website except the tablets database (containing the commentary, text, translation and notes to the tablets). The 'General Search' form is located in the the menu bar on the left-hand side of page.

A list of all pages containing any of the words that were entered in the search box will be returned. For example, if:
       'army barracks'
is entered as a search term, the result will be all pages in which either 'army' or 'barracks' (or both) occurs. In order to refine a search, try entering specific words and avoiding general terms. For example, to find information on barracks at Vindolanda, try entering simply:
       'barracks' rather than 'army barracks'.

Quotation marks (" or ') and boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are not recognized by this search form.

The search results page gives the title of the page and a url link to that page. From this title you can identify what section of the website the page is from-- 'Exhibition', 'Reference' or the scholarly texts in 'Tablets'. For example among the results for a search on Cerialis are the following two results:

Page Title: Vindolanda Tablets Online | Tablets | Tab. Vindol. II Category introductions | Correspondence of Saecularis


Page Title: Vindolanda Tablets Online | Exhibition | Clerks, Latin and education



The first result is from the introductory chapters to Tab. Vondol. II, and the second result is from the website exhibition.

Searching the website images (excluding the tablet images)

Use the box labeled 'Image:' in the 'General Search' form to find specific images on the website. The 'General Search' form is located in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page. This searches the text of the captions and credits for all the images (excluding the tablet images) on the website.

A list of all pages containing the exact phrase entered in the search box will be returned. For example, if:
       'Antonine period'
is entered as a search term, the result will be all pages that contain the phrase 'Antonine period'.

Quotation marks (" or ') and boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are not recognized by this search form.

The search results include thumbnail images with caption and credits. The thumbnail is clickable and links to the page on which the image is found.

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