Tablets display page
In the default display an image of the first (often the only) leaf
of the tablet is placed in the top left-hand corner. Beneath the
image is the introduction to the text. The Latin text and English
translation occupy the central and right hand columns respectively.
The tablet display can be modified according to a user's preferences:
the image, text and translation columns can be minimised on the
screen, to allow more screen space for the columns that are of most
interest. To minmise a column, click on the arrow at the top right
of the column .
A minimised column can be restored with the 'restore column' button:
Tablet Images
The digital images include views of separate leaves, of the layout
of the whole tablet and high resolution images that can be viewed
close up with the Image Zooming viewer.
When the tablet page is opened, the default view is of the front
of the first leaf. Use the tablet control bar to select alternative
views. The tablet control bar contains a set of buttons:
a highlighted button indicates the leaf
currently visible (in this case, leaf 1 (front)). This button is
not hyperlinked.
a numbered leaf icon links to the corresponding
leaf (in this case leaf 2 (front)).
a leaf icon with a flip arrow links
to a reverse leaf view (in this case leaf 1(back)).
launches a popup window containing a larger
image of the whole tablet, showing the relationship of the leaves.
displays all leaves of a tablet in the page simultaneously.
The control bar thus displays a button linking to every leaf view
available for a tablet. For example, Tablet 184 has three front
leaf images, as well as two reverse leaf images. Therefore, when
in the default view (leaf 1(front)) the control bar would look like

Clicking on the leaf image or on ‘open image zooming viewer’
opens a pop-up box containing a larger image of the tablet that
can be viewed close-up with the Image
Zooming viewer.
Texts and translations - layout
The texts are presented as in the print publication, the lines
separated as in the original documents and numbered, the leaves
also separated and labeled. ‘i.’, ‘ii’.
etc indicate separate columns of text on different leaves of the
same tablet, ‘a.’, ‘b.’ etc indicate fragments
belonging or probably belonging to the same tablet between which
the relationship is unclear. Where leaf
divisions were not indicated in the print edition they have
now been added, but line numbering remains the same.
Texts - conventions
When ancient documents are published a set of conventions is used
to ‘mark up’ the text. These indicate, for example,
uncertainty in the reading of a letter or word, letters or words
that are missing due to damage but which context allows to be supplied,
breaks in the text or erasures. The print edition of the Vindolanda
tablets followed the general conventions for ‘marking-up’
a text in this way, with some differences. As far as possible we
have remained consistent with the print conventions in the online
edition. The principal exception is the representation of uncertain
readings. In print these are represented by a subscript dot; online
they are indicated in the lighter, grey colour of the letters. The
‘mark up’ of
the texts in the database is described elsewhere.
The conventions which have been used are the following:
i, ii: designate separate columns of text following the original
. . . : indicates that the text is broken or incomplete at the top
or bottom.
m1, m2: distinguish different hands in the text.
[ ]: indicates a lacuna in the text.
[ c.4 ]: estimate of the number of letters missing in a
uacat: a space left by the scribe on the tablet.
[[abc]]: letters crossed out or erased by the scribe.
abc: letters or words added by the scribe above the line.
<abc>: letters erroneously omitted by the scribe.
{abc}: superfluous letters written by the scribe.
abc: doubtful or partially preserved
... : represents traces of letters visible on the tablet which have
been left unread.
praef(ecto), (centurio): expansion or resolution of an
abbreviation or symbol.
The existence of notes for a line of text (whether pertaining to
an individual line or a series of lines) is indicated by an underlined
n. Clicking on the n launches a pop-up window
and takes you directly to the relevant note. In this pop-up window
it is also possible to scroll through all the notes associated with
a tablet. You may also launch the notes viewer by clicking on ‘open
notes viewer’.
Revised readings
The existence of revisions
to the text, based on the digital images, is indicated on the
entry for the individual tablet by ‘Revised reading’.
Click on this to link to the page of Addenda
and corrigenda and scroll/click on the tablet number to find
the revised reading.
Volume I commentaries and notes
The texts of tablets published in Tab Vindol. I were republished
in Tab Vindol. II but not the original commentaries or
notes, only updates or modifications. Click ‘Volume I notes’
to see these in a pop-up window. However please remember to check
these against any revisions made in Tab. Vindol. II or
in the new revised readings.
For abbreviations used in the Volume I introduction and notes,
click on ‘Tab. Vindol. I Introductory chapters’
in the menu on the left side of the screen.
The Tab. Vindol. II referencing style follows the ‘Harvard
system’. It gives the author or authors name(s) and date of
publication, with the full reference in a consolidated bibliography.
To find a bibliographic reference or to expand an abbreviation,
click ‘Bibliography’ to open the bibliography in a pop-up
window. Click on the relevant section of the bibliography and scroll
to find the reference.