From Alan Bowman and David Thomas, Vindolanda: the Latin writing
tablets London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies,
1983, pp. 344
Under this heading we have described texts which do not merit full
editions either because they are too fragmentary or because we have
not been able to read or extract sense from the writing which survives.
With very few exceptions we have described only those tablets on
which we have been able to read something more than isolated letters.
It should be added that there are very many fragments on which the
photographs show abraded traces of writing or marks which might
be writing. We have not thought it worthwhile either to describe
these or to include them in our concordance. A full list of all
the tablets and the reference numbers of their photographs can be
found in VRR II, 109-22.
We have also included the minor texts first published in Tab.Vindol.I,
the majority as descripta. We have omitted the stilus tablets.
All texts are written along the grain of the wood unless otherwise
noted. The backs of all fragments are blank unless otherwise stated.