From Alan Bowman and David Thomas, Vindolanda: the Latin writing
tablets London: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies,
1983, pp. 256
Sulpicia Lepidina was the wife of Flavius Cerialis, prefect of
the Ninth Cohort of Batavians, stationed at Vindolanda in Period
3. She received two letters from Claudia Severa, wife of Aelius
Brocchus (291,
and one from a woman whose name is perhaps Paterna (294).
Another scrap with a closure written in Severa's hand must also
be assumed to belong to a letter to Lepidina (293).
These tablets are all assigned to Period 3 but it is noteworthy
that they were not found together (one in Room IV, two in Room VIA
and one on the via principalis). The subject-matter of
the letters is social and personal and it is notable that Claudia
Severa herself writes very full and intimate closures in her own
hand. The evidence for correspondence between literate women of
the equestrian officer class is of no less interest than their presence
itself at Vindolanda.
It should be noted that Lepidina is mentioned as an intermediary,
presumably for Cerialis, in 257
and as the subject of standard greetings in letters to Cerialis
cf. 263.ii.8
and 288).
It is possible that 227
is a draft written by Cerialis for Lepidina.